L’impact du web3 dans les industries créatives
Talks, HP Sandrine Decorde Talks, HP Sandrine Decorde

L’impact du web3 dans les industries créatives

Pierre-Philippe Coreneraie, PodcastHost of Le digital pour tous , interviewed Sandrine Decorde, Artcare co-founder. Web 3 ? It is a new generation web, a web that will combine Metaverses, NFTs, new web3 technologies and probably new governance to allow new uses that have yet to be invented. Artcare, co-founded by Sandrine Decorde and Magda Danysz, designs and builds web3 eco-systems.

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What we do

Web3 Strategy

Consummers insgihts and marketanalysis

New business models

Brand positionning and brand vision 

Partnership & Collabs

Launch strategy & activation

Art Direction & IP management

Web3 Talents scouting

Creative production

Legal & IP management


Blockchain, NFT & Metaverse strategic Guidance

Web3 product management

Product roadmap and development

Communication & communities

Storytelling, Roadmap & utilities

Web3 community launch and management

Media strategy and media buying

Influence marketing